Lesson #187 – November 17th, 2020

One more backswing day at PKU before I head to Park City for a quick vacation before Thanksgiving. With Covid being a problem in the entire United States, I would expect many states and counties to be shutting down again soon. Anyway, I will still get my golf lessons in.

Today, Patrick really focused on my turning with my core, especially my lower core while not using my arms. I am starting to really feel the light tension on the inside of my triceps near my nipples as I turn with my body. In essence, there is space between the arms and the body and the body turns causing the arms to move.

Something Patrick is starting to slowly touch on is the fact that my right hand should not bow half way back. Instead, my left hand should stay in the exact same place it is at setup. If I can feel the tension on the inside of my triceps, my left hand can stay firm and the club will naturally rotate to the correct plane. This is going to take some time as I love to move the club with my hands going back.

Patrick also pushed me a little deeper at the top of the swing. I really need to focus on sucking in with my right side as I turn. If I can suck in with my right side as soon as the backswing starts I can turn around my body. Patrick also touched on holding my right elbow “in” so I don’t pull back with it. The more I can keep my left and right elbows “in” and turn with my body, the better my swing will be.

As Patrick has always said, this is going to feel weak to me, but it is how you generate power with the club remaining long and the core doing all the generating of speed.

You can find all my lessons here.