When you visit any private country club in America, the membership director will likely tell you the membership roster is littered with dentists, orthodontists and other healthcare professionals. Why is this the case?
Well, it is very easy to understand as most dentists and orthodontists only work four days a week. Some of the most successful dentists and orthodontics offices are open on Friday but these are limited hours and the main doctors are not in the office. This is not to say they don’t work on Friday, but they are not in the office.
With Fridays to “play” and weekends available, beyond family obligations, it makes sense that dentists, orthodontists and doctors will want to play golf. Golf is an activity in which they can get away with the guys and they can use their technical skills to get better at the activity.
Some of the dentists and orthodontists I know that play golf include Jason Gladwell of Gladwell Orthodontics, Brett Wells of Wells Family Dentistry, Clay Sims of Sims Orthodontics in Pensacola, Florida. Note that all of these business professionals are highly successful in their fields which makes them want to become successful in the sport of golf.
If you are at a private country club and you are paired up with a few guys that you do not know, there is a good chance some of these individuals will be doctors, dentists or orthodontists. There are many at every private club. Also note there are several lawyers as well.
Note that many of these doctors, dentists, orthodontists and lawyers also have homes on courses that are private country clubs. This makes it a lot easier for them to get out in the evenings or on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I recently bumped into a group of Florida dermatologists out playing golf on a Friday afternoon. It is amazing how these groups of medical professionals run or golf around in packs.