Lesson #198 – December 10th, 2020

Today was a downswing day a PKU but we started the lesson discussing the importance of the right lat being soft just after the take away and into the backswing. The longer I can keep my right side soft on the backswing the more I can rotate and turn. After a few turns with the help of Patrick I hit the ball unbelievably well. Patrick said, “how does that feel?”

It is so weird because visually I think I am going to shank the ball or I am coming in at the wrong angle. Patrick explained that the biggest problem amateurs have is they have an idea as to what is right and wrong in terms of the visual and the feel of impact and they cannot accept what is truly correct. If I hit the ball the way I did on the range today I would change something on the course because I would think I am extremely close to a shank. Patrick laughed and said I was nowhere close to a shank. The club is just so much closer to the target line coming into impact that it is weird to see.

Patrick then twisted me up a little more and started to work on the downswing. The biggest focus today was my right leg on the backswing. As I take my right lat out of the backswing and turn, it needs to feel like my left quad is actually trying to face the target. I allow it to fall back which causes problems on the downswing. Over the next few lessons I have to work really hard on my left quad facing more of the target as I turn to the top of the backswing.

We did work on re-establishing that left leg on the downswing and then keeping the club face well behind me as I rotate my chest under and through. I struggle to keep my legs stable through this, but that will come in time. It also feels like the club stays horizontal to the ground longer as I come through with my chest rather than lifting with my arms and shoulders.

At the end of the lesson Patrick took my backswing to the next level. After I get to what I think is the top I need to relax and slightly bend my left arm and continue turning even further. This is where it feels like my right elbow is going into my right ear. The issue right now is my left knee and left quad cannot sustain and stay on the target line when Patrick goes super deep with the backswing.

It was interesting to feel what a true shoulder turn is. I have one more lesson then I am headed to Kitty Hawk for the weekend.

You can find all my lessons here.