Lesson #205 – December 28th, 2020

Since we have had so many backswing days at PKU lately it was time for Patrick to sprinkle in a little bit of downswing today. As always, we started with the backswing and Patrick pointed out that my right lat was knotted up and very tight. He wants me to roll it out with a foam roller to get more depth on my backswing. My biggest issue now is my upper right side on the backswing. If we can get some softness in that, we will be ready to roll.

With the downswing, Patrick really wants me to get my right lat driving towards the target after we close the gap with the right knee kissing the inside of the left knee. He also wants me to stay down there as we turn and drive through impact. This is very hard as I want to pull and stand up with my left side. The left side is for the backswing and the right side is for the downswing.

I hit some of the best shots of my life as I am getting deeper and deeper into the backswing. Patrick also mentioned that I was getting quick and lazy in my set up. I really need to focus on getting the hip bend and then bending even more at the hips so I create a good angle. In essence, it feels as if my butt is going back slightly as I allow the club to drop to the ground behind the ball. There are always things to polish when it comes to the golf swing.

I was thoroughly impressed with how far I was hitting the ball without swinging hard at all. Also, the chipping motion drill is getting better and better every day. I can actually add a little bit of speed with my core when doing this drill now.

You can find all my lessons here.