Lesson #211 – January 12th, 2021

Now that we have worked all around my core to improve my backswing Patrick went in and cleaned it up. Today we focused on starting with the left hip driving into the ball of the right foot. There should be some downward movement but it is ever so slight in the left side. After this, the core takes over and turns the body. Once the core gets through the turn the upper thoracic turns. Patrick literally held my core and spun me while doing practice swings today.

What I noticed is my right lat caves or pushes my right shoulder forward when I start the swing with my left hip. This then causes a series of events where I want to lift with my right shoulder and right lat rather than turning with my core and underneath with my left lat.

I have to cognitively think about my right lat opening my right shoulder when I start the downswing with my left side. Once again, this is every so slight. If I can feel the right shoulder basically opening slightly I can then turn with my core and get a full shoulder turn.

This is an important layer but also important is for me to keep my spine angle with my left hip rolled forward. I tend to give this up which is also part of my right shoulder folding in at the take away. I am to work on the take away with a slight move with the left hip and my right lat opening my right shoulder and then “spinning” with my core and upper thoracic. When completed correctly I really can feel what Patrick has always wanted me to feel at the top of my backswing.

Sadly, I learned that I have to put my cat Jerry down on Thursday, January 14th, 2021 today. That is going to be a very hard day for me as I have had him for over 16 years. Poor Little Jerry Seinfeld’s life has come to a conclusion. It was a great life.

You can find all my lessons here.