Lesson #212 – January 13th, 2021

Today was a downswing day at PKU. Patrick is very pleased with my upper right lat being “putty” and me using my core and upper thoracic to turn. He added the element of my arms staying long or extended on the backswing. We are to the point where my body can now support long arms.

On the downswing, Patrick wants me to keep that right shoulder broad and wide when I re-establish my left knee. Then, I am to feel the pressure on my left shin and the tendon all the way down the front of my left leg. I need to keep this pressure as I rotate through just like with the practice chipping motion. I then come out the other side and he helps me with my arms and chest to finish the swing.

I am starting to really feel the right lat causing the club to lag. The longer that right upper lat can stay broad the more the club lags as the core drives through the ball. This is going to take a lot of time but I am starting to hit the ball better with each lesson. My most important focus right now is letting my core turn after the take away. If I can start with my left hip down while my right shoulder opens and then “spin” with my core and into upper thoracic I am in a great place at the top of the swing.

Today was Jerry’s last full day of life. He honestly had a great day with me as he sat on my lap while I read, he sat on the puzzle I was working on and he even laid with me in bed and slept with me during his last night. It was a wonderful way to spend my last hours with him.

You can find all my lessons here.