Lesson #219 – January 22nd, 2021

Today was a “head” day at PKU as Patrick has started to address my head location on the backswing and on the downswing. He is comfortable with me turning my body so he stands in front of me and holds my head stable on the way back, then he holds it stable on the way through on the downswing. I have to develop the correct muscle memory so I don’t lift my head at the top of the backswing and then look up too early right before impact.

Patrick is also really working on my right side being soft through impact. He is also touching, literally, my lower left side as I get to impact. I want to pull out of the swing with my lower left side as I approach the ball. Instead, I should keep my lower left side soft and use the back side of my right lats to sit into the left side which will start on the target line as long as possible. It should then feel like my practice chipping motion.

As I conclude the swing, my left elbow should be soft and in, my lower left side should be soft and not pulling and I should turn my core to finish the swing. There is no lifting of the arms or trying to gain power by pulling with the left side. Once you start to feel the core and shoulders soft after impact it does feel much better as the core can finish up the swing with the arms above the head.

Over the weekend I am going to work on my turn without a club in my hand. If I can really soften up my right side on the way back, I can feel my upper right lat actually turning around my body and my back feels like it is facing the target. As with any additional depth with my swing, it is going to take some timing for me to strike the ball well.

You can find all my lessons here.