Lesson #224 – February 5th, 2021

Even though today was a Friday, it was a backswing day at PKU. We started really focusing on the softness of the right side deeper in the backswing. I feel as if my right side is soft for about 33% of the backswing then I start to feel tension. If I can get to 50% of the backswing by the end of next week, I will feel as if I have accomplished quite a bit. When I don’t have a club in my hands and I close my eyes I can get deeper into my backswing with softness in the right side. When you put a club in my hand and I am hitting balls, most of that softness disappears after the take away.

The good news is I can feel it and is something I can work on at home with my practice exercises. Patrick turned me to the point today where my upper thoracic felt like it was flattening and my lower body was still in posture. Basically, it feels as if my arms across my chest are parallel to the ground while my body is perpendicular. I know this is physically impossible, but that is the feel I have.

This week I played 18 holes on Monday, 9 holes on Thursday and 27 holes on Friday. I am having a lot of fun out there as I am hitting some of the best shots of my life and still hitting some fat shots as my timing is off. I still have a very long way to go but I did have some birdies and I am slowly feeling the right arm and right side being a relaxed part of my swing rather than the entire part of my swing. It has been quite a journey and there is still a very long way to go.

You can find all my lessons here.