Lesson #232 – February 25th, 2021

Today was a backswing day at PKU and we continued to improve the practice chipping motion. Patrick wants my toe to be behind my heel on my trail legs which should be weightless and inside the left leg. This makes me feel like I am pointed 10 yards left of the target. Patrick said to get even better my right shoulder should be behind my right hip. I told him that it would take me a few days to comprehend that and he said, “OK.” It was hilarious. Basically, I have to feel my right shoulder much lower and behind my right hip at contact.

On the backswing, we are continuing to work on the crease while Patrick has me hold an alignment stick across my chest. The goal is to get the alignment stick past my vision with my shoulder turn. The big change today was Patrick wants my hips pointed down at the top of the backswing. He held his hands on each hip and told me to step away. I could see my front hip (left hip) was actually above my back hip (right hip).

Patrick really pushed my left hip down at the take away. I have to start the backswing with my lower right side going down and then get the body turning. This does feel very different as it feels as if there is much more space and my arms have room. Patrick did this a few times while also turning my upper body. I am slowly starting to feel the importance of the crease as this allows my right lat to open up and keep my shoulder broad.

One final touch is Patrick allows me to get to the top of the backswing and he rolls both of my shoulders back every so slightly. This will be something that I am sure will be a very advanced move down the road. Instead of pulling with the arms, turn with the upper thoracic while the shoulders feel broad and open.

I hit some great balls on the range with my new found depth with the going down feel of the lower right side. I took the swing to the course and had three birdies of which two were tap ins and one was almost a hole in one. My pitching wedge and approach wedge shots now spin like crazy. Still a lot of work to be done, but I am getting more and more confident from 115 yards and in.

You can find all my lessons here.