Lesson #234 – March 1st, 2021

Today was a backswing day at PKU. Over the weekend I took out the elastic band, stretched it out behind my head with my arms extended out and turned. I realized the importance of my left knee because when I started my downswing my left foot could not stop from twisting. If my left knee did not resist on the backswing it caused major problems on the downswing.

So, Patrick really started to turn my upper body while my left knee resisted or stayed stable and I kept the crease with my right side. I am getting a much better turn but I have a habit of wanting my shoulder plane to be steep very early in the backswing. I really have to work on my left lat being higher on the backswing. I allow it to go way down and then I have a super steep shoulder plane at the top. Patrick constantly grabs under my left left lat and lifts it as I turn into my backswing.

He also works hard on softening up my lower right side so my back is broad as I get to the top. I can start to feel what the backswing should be with my left knee and right side crease resisting and my left lat turning and being my high and flat at the top. I am going to have to allow Patrick to get me flat at the top as I always want my shoulder plane to be steep. That is going to come with him getting me more flexible in certain areas of my core and my back.

I hit the ball extremely well during my lesson. When I hit the ball I sometimes dip to start the swing. While the left side and left hip go down, I should not dip my entire body and my left shoulder. As always, I take things to an extreme when Patrick gives me new knowledge. If my left hip can dip, I can resist with my left knee and my right crease remains stable, I can really turn my upper body around my lower body. I still need to work on my right side sucking in all the way to the top of the swing. If I can do this, I strike the ball quite well.

Patrick also told me to really work on my chest staying ahead of my hands on the practice chipping motion. The way for me to do this is to think my right shoulder needs to stay behind my right hip through the motion.

It was a rainy day so I was able to play 9 holes in about 40 minutes. I hit some really good balls but had a shank on the second hole. After two really good shots into hole #1 the shank came out of nowhere. This shook me to the core and it took me a few more swings to really feel comfortable again. By holes 7 and 8 I was able to start generating more power without trying. This is the first time this has happened. I don’t even want to think about how I am doing this as I am just going to let it happen.

You can find all my lessons here.