Lesson #242 – March 11th, 2021

It was a downswing day at PKU and we really focused on the left shoulder staying low after the transition. While I keep my left nipple and left shoulder low, there is still a slight lift right at the transition. This is partly because I am standing up and partly because I still want to lift with my right side. Patrick really focused on the left shoulder staying down through the transition and all the way through the downswing. Only after I am through impact will it feel like it comes up a little bit. Even then, it should feel slight.

My chipping motion is getting better and better with the new grip. I hit some really good shots with my full swings. I am going to have to get used to the club coming in from a different place than I am used to visually. I also still need to work on my head not moving on the way back and on the way through. Patrick briefly did a few reps holding my head today but he still has not talked about it.

It was a rather short lesson but I am getting better with the left shoulder being down at transition and staying down. I am still to do many more reps of practicing this without a club in my hands.

You can find all my lessons here.