Lesson #246 – March 23rd, 2021

Today was a backswing day at PKU and we really focused on posture and my left lat driving after the take away. If I really suck in my stomach at setup my posture is so much better. From there, I can turn much better with my left lat driving under after the take away. Patrick is really working hard on my right side without me thinking about it or even discussing it. He is pulling, poking and prodding to get my right side where it needs to be at the top of the swing.

It is now starting to feel as if my arms are staying in front of my chest and it is turning around my body. In the past, it felt like I was pushing straight back rather than making a circle around my body. I know there is still much work to be done but we are making quite a bit of progress.

Other than continuing to work on depth, we didn’t add much. Patrick really wants me to get deeper when hitting balls and while out on the course. I went and played 18 holes at Knight’s Play. I did not score well but that is because I have now added quite a bit of yardage with a deeper shoulder turn. No birdies, but I am hitting my 9 iron close to 140-145 yards now.

You can find all my lessons here.