Lesson #247 – March 24th, 2021

It was a downswing day at PKU but the big focus today was on the right crease while driving with the upper left lat. I am doing a much better job of getting into the upper left lat or the upper thoracic but I am giving up the crease on the right side. Patrick wants me to really feel that right side crease resisting as my upper body turns around my lower body.

We then worked on the downswing which was Patrick making sure the first move was small, then a big move through impact then a small move after impact. I am really doing most of my downswing work with the alignment sticks across my chest. This keeps my arms out of it and forces my core and lats to do the work.

I hit some great shots when I could feel my right side crease resisting. I know that eventually the left side crease will come into play on the downswing but we really need to get the backswing full with the right crease resisting. I can also feel my upper body start to relax a bit; especially my arms, when my lower right side resists. When it doesn’t resist it feels like things get loose and my right side wants to lift. When all is said and done, the right side will resist and the left upper thoracic will turn to get to the top of the backswing.

I have a 10 am lesson tomorrow as I am driving to Lake Lure to see Michael Bennett tomorrow. This is my one early lesson a year.

You can find all my lessons here.