Lesson #252 – April 5th, 2021

Today was a backswing day at PKU and I turned over a new leaf. Patrick is in control of my swing and there is absolutely no reason for me to analyze and try to tinker with it. I told him today that I hope to move to Palm Springs in November 2021 for the winter months and I trust him with my golf game.

We did some turns and I really felt the left side creating the backswing. When putting my hand on the crease of the right side, I need to keep my hand there and wedge it as I turn. This will cause me to keep my right shoulder lower and not lift it at the take away. Patrick is really pushing and prodding on my left lat as I turn and I am going to leave that up to him.

As I am able to turn deeping into my backswing I noticed my arms are getting softer and softer. Per our last lesson, Patrick wants me to start hitting 7 irons after our turns. I hit a few that were absolutely fantastic. My 7 iron is going about 170-175 yards on the range now. This is what I used to hit a 5 iron. More importantly, I am hitting it dead straight. It is almost weird to see the ball come off the club and not move one way or the other. That is the goal, right? I am just so used to seeing the “better” amateurs hitting shots that curve a lot one way or the other. Mine doesn’t curve at all. Depending on contact it simply falls left or falls right. It is something to see.

By the end of the lesson I felt very good about giving Patrick all responsibility for my swing and golf game. No more going to UNC Finley or driving all the way out to Randy’s to try to tinker with something that has absolutely zero effect on the outcome of my swing. Patrick will add minor changes here and there but I am going to let him do the work.

You can find all my lessons here.