Lesson #253 – April 6th, 2021

Today was another backswing day at PKU. I am now in the best mental place I’ve been in since starting the swing change. I have accepted that thinking about the backswing and over analyzing is not helping. Patrick has it under control and I will let him do the tinkering. As always, we started out with my right hand holding the right crease and turning into it with my left side. Patrick is slowly starting to poke and prod my left side so it expands. I also noticed he is starting to poke and prod the right side so the right lat does not lift on the backswing.

When at the top of the backswing it feels like the bottom part of my lats are actually pushing up. I know this is not what is happening but it is my core doing the work rather than the shoulder or the arms. Basically, when I am fully turned, the “highest” tension should be from the feel of the muscles is the bottom of my lats; not my upper lats or shoulders. This is not something I am going to think about, I am simply going to let Patrick instill that in muscle memory.

We are now doing the chipping drill with the approach wedge and hitting balls with a 7 iron. I am absolutely shocked at how well I am hitting my 7 iron. I hit sme shots today that were simply pure. It is still weird to see the ball go dead straight rather than having a curve on it. It starts straight, stays straight and rises.

I am in such a good place mentally that I am now joking about the Patrick Kelley Shootout on Wednesday, August 14th, 2021. I have no idea if I will truly be ready but I am impressed with how well I am hitting my 7 iron these days.

You can find all my lessons here.