Lesson #254 – April 7th, 2021

Today was a downswing day at PKU and a fun one. We continued to work on flattening the shoulders on the backswing but Patrick’s focus today was really driving with the right lat on the downswing. He held my lead shoulder (left shoulder) while encouraging me to drive under with my right lat. After about five of these I started to do it naturally.

It is crazy how far we have come in just the last few days. Patrick really wants me ready to play in the shootout next Wednesday and I have stopped analyzing or trying to tinker with my swing. We set up the Mevo Launch Simulator to see just how far I was hitting my 7 iron. Today I hit a 7 iron 178 yards. I didn’t even pure it and it went almost 180 yards. I honestly cannot believe it. My 5 wood used to be my 180 yard club and now it is my 7 iron.

I still have the habit of getting a little quick and jumpy when my backswing gets short. This causes me to hit it about 20 yards left of the target and it is hooking. I really need to remain patient and complete my backswing if I want to hit it dead straight.

There is still plenty of work to be done but Patrick seems to think I will be able to hit my driver about 280 in the air now. I will believe it when I see it. That said, I never would have guessed that I could hit a 7 iron 180 yards without even hitting it pure. Oh, how things have changed in a short amount of time. In the next month or so I am actually going to be playing golf with all 14 clubs. It will be a much different experience this time; that is for sure.

You can find all my lessons here.