Lesson #261 – April 23rd, 2021

Today was a downswing day at PKU. We continued to work on the backswing and I greatly improved the chipping motion. I was allowing my left arm and left elbow to create the swing rather than letting that be an extension of the club. When I do it correctly, it feels like my left elbow is inside the shaft of the club and the club actually stays ahead of my hands. I know this is not what is actually happening, but that is what it feels like.

On the downswing, Patrick brought out the impact back and he really worked on speed at impact today. After a complete backswing with the right crease and low right nipple, I start the downswing with the club face staying outside my hands. I turn with my core first, then keep my left shoulder low and soft. Patrick then stops me with the club fact behind my right hip, but outside my hands, and twists my core. He basically puts a hand on each side of my obliques and turns my body so the club face hits the impact bag with some force. He does this about five times back to back while I stay in posture and keep my legs in the correct position. It was crazy to feel this for the first time.

After doing the five reps a few different times I started to get the hang of it. After he worked on my swing speed at impact I really hit the ball quite well. Once again, if I can stay skinny throughout the entire swing, I really strike the ball great. Patrick is very impressed with where I am in terms of ball striking.

I know we will continue to get a little more depth with each lesson but I am hitting my 7 iron about 180 yards on the range now. When I get on the course I am about 10 yards shorter but I am still hitting my 7 iron as far as I used to hit my 5 wood. Things have changed so very much just in the last few weeks. I am not confident I will be playing in early May but I am confident I will be hitting the ball extremely well.

You can find all my lessons here.