Lesson #272 – May 13th, 2021

Today was a game changer. While I have been working very hard on getting my right lat to drive as far around my lower body as possible, I had been giving up my crease on the lower right side. This was needed to feel where my chest and shoulder turn needed to be at the top but Patrick reintroduced the crease today and wow. I hit the ball unbelievable. Basically, what the crease does is it causes my upper body to turn even more around my lower body as it stabilizes my lower right side. If I can concentrate on continuing to turn my left lat as far as possible around my body while holding my crease I hit the ball amazingly.

While I was really hitting the ball well, Patrick did not feel great. I could tell something was wrong so I really didn’t push the envelope with a deeper turn or working on anything strenuous. Instead, I really focused on the chipping motion and keeping my upper stomach hollow during the setup. This hollowness has really given me a ton of space on my backswing and downswing. It feels like my upper stomach is hollow and my hips are pushed way back away from the ball while I am still on the balls of my feet. Ahh, so interesting.

I went to the UNC Finley range after my lesson with Patrick and hit an entire bucket without hitting one single terrible shot. I can also allow the club to just drop from my hands at the top of my follow through which is such an amazing feel.

You can find all my lessons here.