Lesson #274 – May 19th, 2021

Today was a much needed downswing day at PKU. We have really focused on the backswing for quite some time and the downswing is what actually hits the ball. Patrick turned me to the top of the backswing with the right crease staying firm. At the top, he wants me to move every so slightly down and stop. I am then to feel the crease with my left side and slowly turn into the crease. It honestly feels almost like a dance move. Now I know why dancers can learn the golf swing so quickly.

Patrick also made me go very slow all the way through impact and twisted my shoulders in a way in which my right shoulder was much lower than my left shoulder and then I come out the other side. This was extremely difficult the first few times. I also need to make certain my grip remains firm and my elbows are folded in all the way through this process.

If I do it correctly, Patrick extends my right arm right after impact, I keep my same grip and drive under with my right side and the club feels like it is parallel to the ground.

So, basically all the work on keeping the crease with the right side on the backswing needs to be addressed with the right side on the downswing. I did hit a few good shots but it is still a process. When my left foot isn’t pointed towards the target after my swing I will know I have a great golf swing. This is going to take some hard work.

It was a super hot day so I was swearing my rear end off during most of the lesson. It was nice to feel my upper body get low and down through the downswing. This is something that is going to be a major part of PKU over the next few weeks as my backswing has gotten really good but my downswing is still “pully” with my left shoulder and left hip. Instead of pulling with my left shoulder and left hip they need to resist as my right side drives under and through.

You can find all my lessons here.