Lesson #275 – May 20th, 2021

Today was another downswing day at PKU and it was a good one. I have really started to work into the crease on the backswing. What makes me able to do it well is to think the outside of my right hip needs to stay stable and resist. Basically, my left hip needs to stay on the target line as long as possible as I turn with my upper body around my lower body. If I do this, my left knee doesn’t want to fall back as much either.

At the top, Patrick slightly pushes in on my lower right side and stops me. He then tells me to drive into the crease on the right side. So, I think that the outside of my right hip should stay on the target line as long as possible. My toe shots and clanky irons are because I pull with my left hip and lift with my left shoulder. If I drive into the crease of the left hip and drive under with my right shoulder I end up getting back to the ball much better and make significantly better contact.

We worked very hard on the downswing sequence as Patrick made sure my head didn’t fall down and back at impact. I feel as if my head falling down and back is a product of my pulling with the left side through impact. If I can keep my head up and more stable I will be able to drive under and into the crease of the left side. It will take some time, but we will get there.

You can find all my lessons here.