Lesson #276 – May 21st, 2021

Today was a very bad ball striking day for me as I was hitting it super fat. Every time I think I am making progress a “super fat” day comes out. Patrick doesn’t seem too concerned but it can be frustrating when I have worked so hard and these types of days re-emerge. Patrick said I was getting too quick with my shoulders and not using my core enough. This isn’t something I want to think too hard about as I will take it way too far as I always do.

Patrick is really working hard to keep my posture throughout the downswing and working into the crease on the left side. He is very happy with my crease on the right side as I can continue to increase the crease as I get deeper into the swing. I think I can feel the crease getting deeper into the backswing which actually starts the downswing. It would make sense that the right side staying “inside” would be the start of the downswing as I would come inside on the downswing.

As stated, my ball striking was really bad today. It is something I have learned to accept as there is always one or two days a week in which my swing becomes the “check mark” as I lift with my left shoulder to start the downswing. Patrick said we were really going to have to work hard on this over the next few weeks. Maybe one of these days I will actually strike the ball well for more than one or two random shots.

You can find all my lessons here.