Lesson #277 – May 24th, 2021

Today was a Monday so it was a backswing day at PKU. I tried not to think too much so I talked to Patrick about his YouTube channel and how he is getting popular in Japan. It will be interesting to see where we can take this YouTube channel that has gone viral in the last few weeks.

Patrick continued to work on my turn as I am getting deeper. By the end of the lesson we were working on the crease on my right side getting higher and higher. I tend to turn too low on my right side when the crease should really go all the way up to my ribs and only my upper thoracic should be the big turn. I have always tried to turn starting with my legs.

When I feel it correctly, my entire right side resists all the way up to my middle ribs. From my middle ribs up, my upper thoracic turns which gives me a “shoulder turn”. I am going to have to work on the crease and increasing the crease on the right side rather than letting it get soft and lazy.

I am trying to stay positive but my ball striking has not been good for about three weeks. Hopefully something will click in the next few weeks, but who knows.

You can find all my lessons here.