Lesson #306 – July 30th, 2021

It was another extremely hot day in the Triangle and we continued our great work on ball striking. I am now getting more and more confident going to UNC Finley and having a range session in which I don’t break down. Even if I do break down and hit a few bad shots, I know it is a relatively quick fix. Something else I am feeling more and more is a clean setup with the buttons of my shirt behind the ball but still being straight up and down. In the past, I would have just dropped my right shoulder to get the buttons behind the ball. Now I realize I have to use my core and back to get my upper body behind the ball while keeping the buttons more vertical. This also softens my left shoulder at setup.

If I can really do a slow take away with keeping the club face extremely low while also doing a slow transition from the top to the downswing, I hit the ball in the middle of the club face almost every single time. I am also starting to work on full swings with the 8 iron. This is a little bit scary but I have actually hit a few really good ones with Patrick. This isn’t something I am going to dive right into and try to hit my 8 iron over 160 yards. I know if I do that I will break down and skip steps and hit the ball poorly.

Instead, I am still building confidence with the three quarters swing with my 52 degree wedge and really working on keeping my arms back with the chipping motion. We have definitely seen a lot of improvement in the last two weeks and hopefully that will continue without any major break downs or crashes in the near future. Two more lessons and then I am off to Park City for a week.

You can find all my lessons here.