Lesson #311 – August 16th, 2021

We are getting closer and closer to impact with each lesson. Today Patrick focused on a half backswing but the downswing being more clean. When actually hitting the ball, he is comfortable telling me to hold off and let the club lag. Wow, is that a huge difference. If I can really focus on a slow takeaway and then an even slower backswing I have the ability to be very slow and rhythmic on the transition and downswing.

We really did some great work today as I am getting more comfortable with the speed coming very close to impact rather than at the top of the backswing. Lessons are getting more and more fun as I am not over analyzing and I am allowing the muscle memory to do the work.

We joked today as it is “Syllabus Week” in Chapel Hill meaning hunting season has started. It will be a fun few weeks now that all the college students are back in town.

You can find all my lessons here.